Community Outreach

Community Lunch

Bethel AME Church held its first Free Community Lunch in December 2017. It originated from our component leader waking up one morning feeling that the Lord spoke to her while sleeping and told her he wanted her to feed people. She didn’t do anything right away, but it kept eating away at her so she finally asked our Pastor if she could use the church one Saturday a month and she consented. Each month we try to hold the lunch on the 3rd Saturday depending on the church’s schedule.

Check our calendar for the next date of the Community Lunch. Come Join Us in feeding the masses.

Community Garden

The community garden is a labor of love for our youth at Bethel. The YPD takes great pride in their garden, as they plant and harvest for the Lord. This garden serves as a resource for the food pantry and community to provide fresh and healthy nourishment for the body, as Christ does with the nourishment of the word for our souls.